The British Council seeks to procure suppliers to deliver its new Core Skills Training Packages offer under “Educators For The Future Programme” to teachers and school leaders in The Occupied Palestinian Territories for a period of 12 months (pending successful supplier performance, extensions for up to a further 2 years will be considered). Suppliers can specify whether they wish to be considered only for teacher training or only for school leader training, or for both teacher and school leader training.
The British Council seeks to appoint this expert supplier or suppliers to deliver high quality face-to-face training interventions for teachers and/or school leaders on the British Council Core Skills training packages (as set out in Section 4 in the link below) in The Occupied Palestinian Territories from September 2015 to June 2016 (with the option to extend for 12-24 months).
Each appointed supplier will deliver training interventions as part of an agreed programme of delivery agreed with the British Council. The programme of delivery will align with curricular priorities and opportunities for schools in the relevant country – including primary, secondary and special schools. Suppliers will be mobile and be able to reach teachers and school leaders from all/specific geographical areas in The Occupied Palestinian Territories.
The procurement of these services will involve a two stage process:
Stage 1 – prospective suppliers submit a completed tender response (Annex 2) and are assessed against the criteria stipulated within (Annex 1). The bid or bids that are awarded the highest score against the criteria specified will be shortlisted for this work.
Stage 2 – The shortlisted supplier(s) will then go through a process of validation
How to apply:
Complete annex 2 (Supplier Response) in the link below and submit it to no later than 17:00 on 26 June 2015. For further guidance and details read annexes 1,3 &4.