As an English teacher in Gaza, I had the opportunity to participate in the Topical Talk Festival organized by the Economist Foundation in partnership with the British Council. This festival provided my students with a unique opportunity to develop a variety of skills, including speaking, listening, critical thinking, and problem solving.
The festival featured a range of interactive workshops, talks, and sessions that aimed to upskill, inspire, and develop empathy among the participants. Engaging students in class conversations can be a challenge, but the festival provided a platform for my students to actively participate in a variety of discussions and debates. They started to ask questions, make comments, and express their own opinions.
One of the sessions that my students particularly enjoyed was the discussion on fast fashion. Many of them made the promise to not buy new clothes that year in order to preserve the environment and contribute to sustainability. This made me very happy as a teacher, and it was clear that the festival had a great impact on my students.
Overall, the Topical Talk Festival was a wonderful experience for me as a teacher. It provided me with the opportunity to discover the skills and creativity of my students. I am grateful for the chance to participate in such a meaningful and impactful initiative, and I look forward to participating in future festivals.
Saja Awwad, English Teacher at Al-Khansaa Prep Co-ed School (B), UNRWA - Gaza